Schedule: Design was completed and construction permit was obtained in 1999. In 2003, the owner decided to sell the lot instead of the redevelopment.
JMEC has been structural engineer for a preliminary design and design development including the preparation of construction documents for a $10 millions 6-story reinforced concrete condominium complex. The project is located in an environmentally sensitive neighborhood near Coit Tower in San Francisco.
The design was completed following strict aesthetic guidelines and neighborhood scrutiny. The unique features of this project include:
Special seismic design due to planar irregularity and setback in elevation
Temporary shoring of Telegraph Hill Boulevard and adjacent buildings during construction
Close liaison with adjacent neighbors in laying out foundation and shoring to minimize the impact on right of way and construction easement
Parking garage with a turn-table to minimize access space
Phasing in permit application to shorten the design schedule, where the structural plans and the site permit were approved prior to completion of architectural and electrical and mechanical design